Tuesday, September 20, 2011

I Love Bats!

So how often do you have bats near you or near your house? How often do you enjoy their company? Well, I happen to LOVE bats, and before work one morning, I had a pleasant surprise! I was walking our dogs out to the garage getting ready to take them to work with me when I felt something hit my shoe. I thought it was one of their leashes, so I flicked my leg to kick the leash off my foot and proceeded to load them up. When I noticed that the feeling of something on my foot didn't go away, I looked down to see what it was! And, to my astonishment, I had a little bat on my shoe! And boy was he clinging on for dear life! He must have fallen from the side of our garage door when I opened it. I'm so glad he landed on my shoe and didn't hit the ground! I quickly pulled out my phone to A) Snap pictures, and B) Call Adam. "You HAVE to come down and see this!!" We checked him over to make sure he wasn't injured, and then Adam grabbed a pair of gloves and slowly and carefully peeled him off of my shoes. We named him Charles Xavier, and planned on hiding him somewhere safe (since so many people are afraid of bats and would possibly try to hurt him);  but as soon as we went to place him somewhere, he took off! Glad that he wasn't injured, I waved goodbye to him and asked him to visit again soon!

Fact: You are more likely to get Rabies from a stray cat than from a bat. Fact: The reason they "Swoop" by your head at night is because your head creates heat and that is where all of those yummy bugs like to buzz around and annoy the heck out of you! So, really, you should thank those bats!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Surprise Getaway

Well, my wonderful Adam knows how much I love surprises. And, even though I ended up figuring out the surprise not long before this little trip, we went anyway and had an absolute blast! He got tickets to two different Brewers games. One was on Tuesday evening and one was Wednesday evening. He worked it out with my boss and got me off work; we dropped the doggies off at my mom's and off we went!
The first day in Milwaukee we went shopping, he took me to the Mitchell Park Domes (Very cool place!) and had dinner before going to the game. We played the Colorado Rockies and won! Ryan Braun hit a walk-off home run to win the game! WOOT! Not to mention, Adam caught his first foul ball and was absolutely ecstatic!

We checked into our hotel room about 11:30pm and both crashed! The next day, we checked out of the hotel and had some more time to burn since the second game didn't start until 7pm. We were going to visit the Harley Davidson museum, but wanted to check out the Zoo first. We were at the Milwaukee Zoo for a good 3 hours and loved seeing all the animals! My favorites are always the otters, the bats, and the giraffes. We had lunch at the Flamingo Cafe where the peacocks wait around to pick up your scraps! After we left, we realized we only had about 2 hours to burn before we had to head to the game. Not enough time to fully take in the HD museum! So, I asked him if we could visit the Wisconsin Humane Society (and of course, he agreed!) It was an absolutely BEAUTIFUL shelter! The facility is set up very friendly to everyone including the animals. There is a "Royal Cat Hotel", a small animal room, an adoptable cat room, 3 different dog halls-my favorite, of course-and a wild life room. They also have a Veterinarian and a Groomer on site! Amazing.
The second Brewers game was not a win, but fun nonetheless! We headed home around 11:30pm and again, crashed. At least we got to see our boys when we came home :)
Overall it was an amazing two day getaway and I am very grateful to have such a wonderful boyfriend who will surprise me for no reason at all <3

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Getting Started

I guess I'll start off with what we've been up to lately. Adam is working hard-as usual! Summer is pretty busy for him in radio with remotes and "Rock Stops" and all that jazz. He really enjoys what he does and he's very good at it. When he's not working, he's been enjoying the summer weather. He's done a lot of kayaking and fishing and TONS of running of course.
I have been really enjoying my new job. I'm now the "Daycare Manager" at Doggie Business in Holmen and we're growing strong! I spend most of my days in the back with the daycare and boarding dogs. My days consist mainly of K9 supervision and interaction and of course cleaning, feeding, customer service, etc. My dogs come to work with me usually 1 day per week...however I usually prefer them to go to the other daycare (the one I used to work for) because when they come to work with mom, they drive me nuts! They tend to be more posessive and protective of me while I'm working with all those other dogs, so sometimes they're better off playing elsewhere :-P
Adam and I have been talking about moving. We love our apartment, and the location works for both of us seeing as how our commutes are in opposite directions. However, we'd really like to get a place with a yard for our dogs. I started looking at rental houses, and the more I saw, the more I realized that we'd be better off buying! Nothing is for sure yet, but we'll continue our discussions of the possibilities of movin' on up.
We hope to make one more trip to the Verona Dog Park before summer is over. It's a beautiful 160acre dog park! All fenced in and absolutely beautiful! If we don't make it this fall, who says you can't go when it's snowy?! The dogs will love it either way!

New to Blogging

You will all have to excuse my unexperienced blog posting! I'm new to the world of Blogging, but it seems like a nice way for everyone to keep up with what we're up to! It seems like we are always on-the-go, so I don't think it will take long to fill this up fast!